How to use ical effectively
How to use ical effectively

how to use ical effectively

We’ll walk through a series of simple examples to illustrate what t-SNE diagrams can and cannot show. The purpose of this note is to prevent some common misreadings.

how to use ical effectively

The technique has become widespread in the field of machine learning, since it has an almost magical ability to create compelling two-dimensonal “maps” from data with hundreds or even thousands of dimensions.Īlthough impressive, these images can be tempting to misread. Внесите свои коррективы, если таковые имеются.A popular method for exploring high-dimensional data is something called t-SNE, introduced by van der Maaten and Hinton in 2008. The true test of an effective resume is that you are offered interviews If you are not getting responses or interviews from your resume, you may want to reevaluate it. It is no use mailing resumes if you do not take the time to follow up on your efforts. Ü Finally, Follow-up, Follow-up, Follow-up! Ü Always bring extra copies of your resume to an interview. Ask your contacts to critique your resume. It is an excellent ice breaker to use the resume as a center for discussing your qualifications. Ü Give a copy of your resume to all networking contacts. It provides them with information about you and will help them to talk to an employer about your qualifications. Ü Give a copy of your resume to your references. The resume should paint the best picture of you, while the application may paint the worst. Ü Applying for jobs by resume can be an effective strategy to overcome employment barriers. If you are asked to fill out an application, never write on it "See resume." Take the time to fill out the application completely. The resume will add impact and should complement the application. Ü When applying for a job with an employment application you may want to attach your resume.

how to use ical effectively

Ü When directly contacting employers, always have a copy of your resume available and take the initiative to offer it to them. You never know what the future will bring. Send your resume to the employer even if they are not hiring.


Be courteous and professional and sell your qualifications. Ü Always precede or follow up the sending of your resume with a phone call to the employer. If they do, it will help you prepare your resume for presentation. Ü When researching an employer or employment agency, among other important information, find out if they use a resume scanning system. It requires some research before sending the resume but it will pay off in an increased number of positive responses. This can be accomplished with a targeted resume strategy or through the cover letter. Ü Look for ways to target your resume to the specific needs of the employer. Additionally, an accepted standard is that for every 10 interviews you will receive 1 job offer. The statistics are that for every 1000 resumes you send to an employer by name you can expect to get 2 interviews.

  • Mass mailing your resume to many employers, hoping that a couple of them will get someone's attention, is not an effective strategy.
  • Ü When mailing your resume always send it with a cover letter. Most of the time Personnel does the screening it is the department manager who is the final hiring ority. Then also send a resume to the person in charge of the department in which you want to work. Ü If you are asked to send your resume to Personnel or Human Resources, do so. Avoid sending the resume to a job title such as "Production Manager." It will take an extra effort, but do your research and find out the name and title of the appropriate person to whom your resume should be sent. Ü Resumes should be sent to a person by name.
  • Personal and professional networking contacts.
  • Vocational and college placement offices.
  • Employers with no advertised job openings.
  • The successful job seeker will master these skills.

    how to use ical effectively

    Following are some of the more common strategies and guidelines. Job search strategies range from the simple and common to the innovative and complex. Now that you have perfected your resume, there are some guidelines for using it effectively. It is not enough to have the employment skills that an employer desires if you do not have the ability to market them. What it takes to accomplish this is job search skills. Much has been said about selling your employment skills to a prospective employer. But like any tool it is only as good as the person using it. A good resume is an important job search tool.

    How to use ical effectively